I have promised myself that I will clean my desk these holidays. I am maybe half-way through the reorganization, and have lost hope for a complete desk clean-up. But a huge mountain of paperwork got shifted and I am feeling very accomplished. The business side of things is now organised in the following folders:
1. Marketing - ('to do' and 'information')
3. Assessments - half a filing cabinet drawer, divided into 'follow up to do', '2 weeks ago clients', '1 week ago clients', 'this week', 'next week' and folders for 6 months ahead
4. Financial - ('to do', 'receipts', 'pending invoices' and 'paid invoices')
6. Admin - ('to do' and 'information')
8. Practice Improvement and PD -('to do' and 'information')
What are your ways of organizing business paperwork? Do you have a method that works? Or do you have an 'action' pile that threatens to topple over (also known as my filing system in 2011)?
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