I have recently had an interesting experience. I got a file on a new client that included a neuropsychology report. The Neuropsychologist saw the client in a nearby magistrates court, suggesting that she practices nearby. But I have never heard her name before.
Being naturally curious, I called the number on the letterhead and found out that she has been practicing for the last three years in the same region of Melbourne and with the same client group as I have. Yet this was the first time our paths crossed.
We met for a coffee and had a great chat, both pleasant and oh-so-useful for collecting these precious peer supervision hours. We exchanged information and practice tricks.
This experience makes me realise that in private practice we often lack information about other practitioners. And having that information can be so very useful: passing referrals on, holiday cover, renting tests, peer supervision, etc.
I am not worried about competition: a long time ago, when I was starting my first private practice, I was told by a wise psychologist (whom I visited to make sure that I don't unwittingly muscle in on her area) that each of us develops their own referral networks and that there is very little competition out there. This has definitively been my experience. The fact that I have practiced for several years in complete parallel with another neuropsychologist just underlines this fact.
So, I that that it would be worth compiling a brief directory of private practitioners: send me some information, and I'll post it on the blog. When there is enough of us, I'll create a separate document with practices sorted by regions.
I'll start with myself:
Contact Details:
Izabela Walters
Clinical Neuropsychologist, MA, MAPS
Member of the College of Clinical Neuropsychologists
(I have just found out that saying CCN or MCCN is not allowed, we have to write it out in full)
107 Droop Street
Footscray 3011
0407 866 579
Western suburbs of Melbourne, can travel to country Victoria (or interstate if somebody would pay me)
Type of clients most frequently seen:
Medico-legal and forensic assessments
Preferred clients:
Personal injury assessments, preferably adults
Full time/part time
Full time in private practice
Here are also details of my newly discovered colleague:
Contact Details
Dr Linda Borg
Neuropsychology Services
0407 827 356
Western suburbs of Melbourne, performs assessments mostly in courts or on Legal Aid premises
Type of clients most frequently seen:
Forensic assessments
Preferred clients:
Linda, let me know who your dream clients are
Full time/part time
2-3 days in private practice
Please email me on izawalters@gmail.com (or the email address above) if you would like to put your details in the blog. The section preferred clients is for you to let us know which kind of clients you'd like to see more of. You never know - we may oblige.